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  • The crowd right before the premiere of Art Car: The Movie
    Photo by Ford Gunter
  • Ford Gunter, from left, Harrod Blank and Carlton Ahrens
  • And what better way to be visible in America than on the ultimate public canvas:The Car.
    Photo via Art Car/Facebook

  • Arizona tax judge Diane Kroupa ruled that director Lee Storey could not deductexpenses for her documentary, "Smile 'Til It Hurts: The Up with People Story,"because documentary filmmaking is a hobby, not a business.
  • Director Lee Storey.

  • Photo via Art Car/Facebook
  • The sneak peak of "Art Car: The Movie" at Discovery Green drew a good response.Now the hard work begins.
  • Filmmakers Ford Gunter, left, and Carlton Ahrens

  • OK, so we're not exactly Matt Damon & Ben Affleck. That doesn't mean you can'tparty well at a film festival.
  • The Stitched crew interviews one of the international quilters at the Houstonshow, one of the largest annual conventions held in Houston.
  • When you have the same Guest Artist badge as John Turturro, life is good.
  • Alex Luster documents the mixing of wheat paste with artists DUAL and Eyesore
  • Producer Nancy Sarnoff and cameraman Tom Gandy interview Sharon Schamber, one ofthe winners at the International Quilt Festival held at the George R BrownConvention Center.
  • The Stitched crew shoots an interview in front of one of the quilts featured inStitched.
  • Alex Luster and street artist DUAL walk to the streets of downtown as he looksfor his next spot.
  • Director Jena Moreno and cameraman Tom Gandy interview Houston Mayor AnniseParker in front of one of the winning quilts at the International Quilt Festivalin November.

  • Filming the movie is one thing, putting 10 minutes together to show at theCinema Arts Festival is a whole other challenge.
  • The Cinema Arts Festival is holding a free event Wednesday at noon at CityHall's 48-person theater that will feature a first look at art films inprogress.
  • Jena Moreno's "Stitched" is another one of the movies featured.
  • Alex Luster's "Stick Em Up" rounds out the threesome.