Links we love today

Wes Anderson's video interview, the secret life of emails, Joey Ramone's newalbum and more

Here are the links we loved today:

Tumblr of the day:

Lifehacker remembers their favorite failed apps; Flavorwire lists TV’s notoriously short-lived shows.

Wes Anderson answers readers questions in this two-part video interview.

Rookie loves Betsey Johnson (and so do we!)

Google shows you where your emails go when you hit ‘send’.

Stream Joey Ramone’s posthumous album Ya Know at NME.

Columbia law school study focuses on the case of Carlos DeLuna, an innocent man executed in Texas in 1989.

Bobcat Goldthwait on why quitting the movie industry saved his life.

Here are those eight crazy 2012 prom stories you’ve been waiting for.

HelloGiggles tracks down Rondi Kutz, Lisa Frank’s head designer.

Taking a look at Ernest Hemingway’s early newspaper reporting.

How common is your birthday?

Jake Fogelnest talks about all the things he might be the only fan of.

How Reddit has fine-tuned the process of weeding out hoaxes.

WBEZ interviews cartoonist Daniel Clowes.

What's sexier that 50 Shades of Grey? Why, Gilbert Gottfried reading 50 Shades of Gray, of course:


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