Party Watch
Movers and shakers lead the dish at talkative Art of Conversation luncheon
Nov 6, 2015 | 2:15 pm
What:City ArtWorks' Art of Conversation luncheon.
Where: The Junior League of Houston.
The scoop: Deborah Colton and Evelyn Leightman chaired the annual fundraiser that brought together 31 of the city's leading lights to head table talk during the midday. The event honored Olga Bush and Denise Bush Bahr.
Who: Conversationalists Lucinda Loya, Jonathan Sandys, Lisa Falkenberg, Jana Arnoldy, Ryan Pontbriand, Lester Smith, Joe Holley, Carolyn Faulk, Mark Hughes, Minnette Boesel, Sam Abraham and Dominique Sachse.