It used to be that when you wanted a BYO burrito in Houston (that's build your own, natch) you went to one of the big three: Freebird's, Mission Burrito or Chipotle.
But now the burrito wars have begun, and some new Tex-Mex heavyweights are entering the ring. The newest is Berryhill Baja Grill's Jeff Anon, who just opened his first Saucyritos in Memorial City Mall.
"We wanted to continue that fresh, homemade aspect that Berryhill is known for," says Anon. "Most burritos have relatively the same flavor profile, so we think our homemade sauces set us apart."
Anon has imported some sauces from Berryhill and come up with some new ones he thought would work well in burritos, including a tomatillo sauce and a sweet and spicy Korean barbecue sauce.
"The Korean tacos aren't what you think of necessarily when you think of a burrito place, but they sure are good," says Anon.
Anon says he wants to take the gourmet burrito concept and streamline it so that it's a little quicker and more portable. He's focusing on small-footprint spaces including malls, food courts and airports.
Has anyone tried Saucyritos? What did you think?