Warm and fuzzy
Anita Perry aims to charm in new campaign ad (see hubby Rick pounce at the end)
Hot on the heels of presidential hopeful Rick Perry's controversial campaign ad dismissing Don't Ask Don't Tell and suggesting that Christian prayer is prohibited in public schools, his campaign has released another ad starring another Perry — wife Anita.
In the ad, entitled "American Story" (in which Perry does not appear until the final seconds, casually clad in a black sweater and pouncing into camera range to emphatically endorse the message) Anita Perry recounts her husband's service in the Air Force and emphasizes his farming background, their mutual small-town upbringings surrounded by "Christian values" and says the couple "knew Washington D.C. could use some of that."
I've never understood why long marriages are worn by politicians as some sort of merit badge. What do you think of Perry's latest ad? Is staying married a testament to character?