Walk with CultureMap
Strength in numbers: More than 25,000 set to take on America's No. 1 killer inthe Heart Walk
More than 25,000 Houstonians will walk through downtown Saturday morning to bring awareness to America's No. 1 killer: Heart disease.
The American Heart Association aims to inform the public, to ignite change and to inspire hope in sufferers and survivors with the annual Houston Heart Walk.
Cardiovascular disease takes more than 2,300 lives each day, striking an unexpectedly varied demographic: The young, like Houston Press music editor Chris Gray (who is recovering quickly from his heart attack last week), the healthy and the obese.
Newborn babies, middle-age smokers, high-profile politicians, teenagers and toddlers are all at risk for cardiovascular problems.
Newborn babies, middle-age smokers, high-profile politicians, teenagers and toddlers are all at risk for cardiovascular problems and strokes. Some cases are preventable with exercise, a moderated diet and regular wellness check-ups.
Start taking steps toward a healthier lifestyle by signing up for the 5-mile, non-competitive walk, which will be followed by health screenings and interactive learning opportunities. The weather is nice and it's free to walk (but participants receive a T-shirt — and self-satisfaction for contributing to a worthy cause — if they raise $100 or more).
The event starts at Sam Houston Park, and kickoff is at 9 a.m. Sign up as an individual, make your own team, or walk with the CultureMap squad to support the cause.