Taylor Swift honors her mother with donation to Houston Food Bank providing Harvey relief

Superstar Taylor Swift has made a "very sizable donation" to the Houston Food Bank in honor of her mother, officials said on the organization's Facebook page and other social media outlets. Swift's mother, Andrea Finlay Swift, lived in Houston during her youth and graduated from Memorial High School and the University of Houston.
When Swift performs in Houston, she nearly always makes reference to her mom's upbringing here. Andrea, whose sister Alison is a Houston-area resident, often scours the stadium when Taylor performs to select and escort lucky fans to a prime position at the edge of the stage to watch the concert.
In a statement the Houston Food Bank said, "As always, the local community has been showed an outpouring of support for the Houston Food Bank with donations of money, time and food, but we are also feeling the support of many international celebrities. To date, we have received $500,000 in donations from celebs such as Taylor Swift, Demi Lovato, Nick Jonas, DNCE, Metallica, Katie Couric, Gwyneth Paltrow, Aziz Ansari, Larry David, Simon Biles, and Craig Biggio."
The Houston Food Bank is accepting monetary donations to meet the needs of Hurricane Harvey victims, as well as food donations. The following items can be delivered curbside at the Houston Food Bank main entrance at 545 Portwall through September 9; Monday-Friday 8 am to 6 pm and Saturday and Sunday 8 am to 3 pm.
Items needed:
Canned ready-to-eat items with pull tops: vegetables, fruit
Protein in pouches or pull-top cans: tuna, beef stew, chili, canned chicken
Peanut butter
Snacks: granola bars, breakfast bars, etc.
Paper goods
Cleaning supplies: mops, mop buckets, brooms, bleach wipes, bleach, garbage bags, bug spray
The Houston Food Bank is not able to accept clothing, household items, baby food and other items not on this list.
For more information, check out the Houston Food Bank Harvey page.