this week's hot headlines
Houston's favorite hot dog spot's last Inner Loop closure leads week's top stories
Jul 16, 2022 | 12:15 pm

The last JCI Loop location has closed.
Courtesy photo
Editor's note: It's time to recap the top stories on CultureMap from this past week.
1. Iconic Houston hot dog restaurant's last Inner Loop location quietly closes. CultureMap food editor Eric Sandler was first to report that the familiar hot dog favorite on Shepherd Drive has closed, marking the end of the brand's Inner Loop presence.
2. 'Mayor of Montrose' reveals details on the grand return of his legendary LGBTQ+ nightclub. A legend in the Montrose bar, club, and civic scene, Charles Armstrong sat down with CultureMap to discuss the big return of South Beach, his fab nightclub, which opened this week.
3. Landmark Houston hotel named Travel + Leisure's top resort in Texas. A cherished Houston icon and former home to President George HW Bush and wife Barbara, the Houstonian Hotel, Resort, and Spa has been named the No. 1 resort in a prestigious new ranking.
4. Houston's coolest crystal lagoon makes a splash with most floating cabanas in the U.S. Last year, more than 80,000 visited the largest Crystal Lagoon in Texas. Expect many more as the lagoon launches the most 'aquabanas' — a floating, inflatable cabana — in the nation.
5. New cocktail bar from familiar Heights name now slinging pizza and drinks on Washington Avenue. Chris Cusack, who was behind the popular Down House in The Heights, is back with a new WashAve bar promising his brand of top-flight cocktails and signature pies.