Houston's Ivy
A peek inside the hedges: Rice University holds an Unconvention, opening up theschool to all
- Rice University
- Rice University
Despite its location in the heart of the city, Rice University sometimes seems to exist completely off the radar of the average Houstonian. As the university celebrates its centennial, that's something it's hoping to change.
That's the philosophy behind Rice's first-ever Unconvention, taking place through Saturday. It's something of an open house to introduce Houston to what Rice has to offer, from access to the university's vast research library to sports and cultural events.
With an Unconvention command center taking up half of the central Brochstein Pavilion, visitors can take a guided tour led by undergraduates — there's one every hour on the hour from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. On Saturday the tour expands to two hours as AIA Houston leads a specialized tour of Rice's notable architecture. Or you could just pick up a campus map — I like the version that has a guide to all the university's public art — and wander among the Byzantine-style buildings and the tree-filled green spaces on your own.
The university is also offering the public unprecedented access to its state-of-the-arts facilities, including the Rice Observatory, The Smalley Institute and Fondren Library.
The full Unconvention schedule includes dance and theater performances, music recitals at the Shepherd School of Music, sporting events, art exhibitions and even film screenings — and that's just normal campus activity. Rice has also scheduled a series of lectures on topics from "Democracy and Academic Freedom" to global warming. While the subject matter may seem highly academic, the lectures are presented in an interesting and engaging manner.
The university is also offering the public unprecedented access to its state-of-the-arts facilities, including the Rice Observatory, The Smalley Institute and Fondren Library.
Families should check out the Unconvention on Saturday, when Rice is setting up a children and youth zone in the central quad near the Rice Memorial Center. Activities include a science magic show, a Math-A-Letics game show, a traditional Chinese Dragon Dance performance, puppet shows, hands-on engineering activities, a visit from a real owl and Sammy the Owl and much more.
A full schedule for the Unconvention is available here. After all, isn't it time that Houston got to know the vibrant and elite university in its backyard?