Shelby's Social Scene

A hot designer, spring fashions and Muhammad Ali shoes are a rocking Recipe for Success

Applause, applause for Edward Wilkerson, the popular designer for Lafayette 148, who wowed the ladies and a few gents at the Recipe for Success Dress for Dinner fashion presentation at Neiman Marcus.

The spring frocks, Capri pants and long shirts with wide belting were hits with the crowd of women who appreciate stylish substance over short-lived, pop trends.

The fashion standout in this lively crowd was Bob Cavnar, who wore a black kilt and vintage Muhammad Ali boxing shoes.

Applause also for Dress for Dinner chairs Cerón and Todd Fiscus, who welcomed the fashion flock along with Recipe for Success founder Gracie Cavnar and Neiman Marcus GM Bob Devlin.

Following the runway presentation and remarks by Wilkerson, those ponying up top dollar stayed on for dinner in Neiman's Mariposa restaurant where Culinaire chef Barbara McKnight, a member of Recipe for Success' chefs advisory board, whipped up a three-course menu inspired by Wilkerson's recent jaunt to Africa. Think Moroccan, Ethiopian and Tanzanian cuisine.

The fashion standout in this lively crowd was Bob Cavnar, husband of the non-profit's founder, who wore a black kilt and vintage Muhammad Ali boxing shoes.

In a more stylish fashion mode were Diane Lokey Farb, Yvonne Cormier, Rosemary Schatzman, Paula Mott, Roz Pactor, Katie Atlas, Vicki Rizzo and, celebrating his birthday, Jeff Shell, whose Neal Hamil Modeling Agency provided the mannequins.
