Absolutely Adorbs

Kids in spring styles are catwalk superstars at Houston Symphony fashion show

What:Houston Symphony Children's Fashion Show and Luncheon.

Where: River Oaks Country Club.

The scoop: So proud were their parents when the youngsters strutted their fledgling stuff in spring fashions from Itsy Bitsy Boutique and Macy's.

"The Jungle Book" themed fundraiser was chaired by young moms Lindley Arnoldy and Rachel Volz with Courtney and Bill Toomey, with their three youngsters in tow, serving as honorary chairs. With the assist of sponsor BB&T, the midday affair raised $60,000 for the symphony's community engagement programs.

In addition to the fashion show, entertainment included the popular instrument petting zoo, crafts, balloon animals and a giraffe stilt walker.

Who: Houston Symphony CEO Mark Hanson, Jason Arnoldy, Jason Volz, Jana and Scotty Arnoldy, Susan and Dick Hansen, Monsour Taghdisi and Henry Richardson, Carolyn and Garry Tanner, Betty and Jesse Tutor, and Mandy and Raphael Diaz.
