Audio Photo Essay
Inside Houston's highly-anticipated Picasso show: Expert delves deep to give exclusive insights
Feb 21, 2013 | 1:04 pm
As far as art exhibitions go, the most profound are rooted in a simple idea. Picasso Black and Whiteat the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston fits that bill.
___ The Guernica Tapestry was commissioned by Picasso from René and Jacqueline de la Baume Dürrbach in the liking of the 1937 painting. It was purchased by Nelson Rockefeller for the United Nations. The tapestry became the center of controversy when it was covered behind a blue curtain as Colin Powell [http: /] rallied for war to the Security Council in 2003. It was moved to London's Whitechapel Gallery [] in 2009 and has been on indefinite loan to the San Antonio Museum of Art [] since 2012. Click here [] for a CultureMap video of the hanging of the tapestry at MFAH with remarks by Alison de Lima Greene and Carmen Giménez.
Photo by Peggy Tenison San Antonio Museum of Art
___ The Guernica Tapestry was commissioned by Picasso from René and Jacqueline de la Baume Dürrbach in the liking of the 1937 painting. It was purchased by Nelson Rockefeller for the United Nations. The tapestry became the center of controversy when it was covered behind a blue curtain as Colin Powell [https: /] rallied for war to the Security Council in 2003. It was moved to London's Whitechapel Gallery [] in 2009 and has been on indefinite loan to the San Antonio Museum of Art [] since 2012. Click here [] for a CultureMap video of the hanging of the tapestry at MFAH with remarks by Alison de Lima Greene and Carmen Giménez.
René and Jacqueline de la Baume Dürbach, Guernica Tapestry, after Pablo Picasso, commissioned 1955, wool, Mrs. Nelson A. Rockefeller