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  • John Adams — shown in HBO's version — knew the real deal on Independence Day.
  • Without John Adams, Steve Popp never would have been introduced to the wonder ofHBO.
  • The Oneida Indian nation deserves much more credit for its role in America'sfight for independence.
  • It's not just about the fireworks.
    Photo by Amyn Kassam

  • A scene from the mini-series, "The Pacific". It's hard not to think about thoseimages while in Hawaii.
  • The late Marine Cpl. Jacob Leicht
  • Admiral Chester W. Nimitz pins a Navy Cross on Doris Miller at ceremony on boarda warship in Pearl Harbor, May 27, 1942.
  • Lanai Island, Hawaii is ultra picturesque — and it gives one a lot of time tothink. A lot.
  • Did you know dolphins sleep with one eye open? That's the kind of knowledge youcan gain in a week away.

  • Kubb is a game that can change your life.
  • Legend has it that bocce ball held up wars.
  • Stephen Colbert ... not exactly the biggest fan of cornhole.
  • She's a bigger fan of the summer sport.
  • This is a cornhole board. Not exactly what you were thinking, huh?

  • Two U.S. soldiers run past the remains of two German soldiers toward a bunkerduring World War I. Date photographed circa 1917-1918, published 1922
  • The Buffalo Soldiers are tied to Memorial Park.
  • Today, Memorial Park's the place to go on a perfect spring day.

Popp Culture

History runs deep at Memorial Park

  • No matter how fast Olympic champion Carl Lewis can run, he will never escape hisinglorious 1993 national anthem performance.
  • "By Dawn's Early Light," the 1912 painting by Edward Moran, depicts thelegendary moment of the morning of Sept. 14, 1814, when Francis Scott Key andhis compatriots Col. John Skinner and Dr. William Beanes spy the American flagwaving above Baltimore's Fort Mc Henry. This inspired Key to write the work tobecome the American national anthem, "The Star-Spangled Banner."
  • Minute Maid Park is the lip synching capital of Houston for a reason.
    Greater Houston Convention and Visitors Bureau
  • Sarah Palin might not consider Steve Popp pro-American, but history would.
    Photo by Ron Edmonds

  • Danny DeVito might also be considered 18th-century tall.
  • James Madison, the fourth president of the United States, was a big backer ofthe Census.
    Portrait_by John Vanderlyn
  • Page 1 of the Constitution of the United States of America