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  • A protester stands in front of a burning barricade during a demonstration inCairo January 28, 2011
    Photo by Goran Tomasevic
  • Zukhro, an employee of the city zoo, walks with Vadik, an 18-month-old malelion, on the territory of the zoo in the capital Dushanbe, January 20, 2011.Employees take the lion from its cage to have a promenade along the territorytwo times a week while holding a piece of meat to attract Vadik's attention soit walks nearby.
    Photo by Nozim Kalandarov
  • Researchers dressed in panda costumes put a panda cub into a basket beforetransferring it to a new living environment at the Hetaoping Research andConservation Center for the Giant Panda in Wolong National Nature Reserve,Sichuan province February 20, 2011
    Photo by Heng Yi
  • A 22-year-old woman in a wedding gown is grabbed by Guo Zhongfan, a localcommunity officer, as she attempts to kill herself by jumping out of aseven-storey residential building in Changchun, Jilin province May 17, 2011.According to local media, the woman tried to commit suicide after her boyfriendof four years broke up with her, just as they were making plans to get married.The woman did not sustain any injuries during the incident.
    Photo by Li Ping
  • A miner climbs on excavated rocks after a giant drill machine broke through atthe final section Sedrun-Faido, at the construction site of the NEAT GotthardBase Tunnel March 23, 2011. Crossing the Alps, the world's longest train tunnelshould become operational at the end of 2016.
    Photo by Arnd Wiegmann
  • Nikki Hamblin of New Zealand lays on the track after falling during the women's1,500 meters heats at the IAAF World Championships in Daegu August 28, 2011
    Photo by David Gray
  • Tsunami Swirls
    Photograph from Kyodo/AP
  • Kesennuma, Japan. March 15, 2011
    Photo by James Nachtwey
  • Their Royal Highnesses Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, Duchessof Cambridge kiss on the balcony at Buckingham Palace on April 29, 2011 inLondon, England
    Photo by Peter Macdiarmid
  • Shuttle launch. May 16, 2011
    Photo by Stefanie Gordon
  • London Riots
    Photo by Amy Weston
  • University of California, Davis, California. November 18, 2011
    Photo by Wayne Tilcock