Shelby About Town
Cheering Houston's best at the Olympics, an antiques show launch & wine feastwith pizzazz
- Loving the London Olympics are, front row, from left, Stefan Gustafson, boxingchamp Marlen Esparza and Schuyler Gustafson. Back row, from left, SloaneGustafson, Carmen Esparza, Sten Gustafson and Sofia Adrogue.Courtesy Photo
- Robert Kamen, left, and Tony Vallone will reunite at Kamen's annual wine dinnerat Tony's in late September.
- Theta Charity Antiques show chair Jennifer Bowen, from left, joins MaureenManning and Sallie Mansell at the kick-off party at .
- Phyllis Williams, left, and Connie Reeves Cooke are among those chairing theHumane Society "No Ball."
We know a number of Houstonians who've made a pass through London during the Olympic Games dropping in on this or that event. But, to date, only one family has come to our attention that is there for the duration — Sofia Adrogué and Sten Gustafson and their children — Sloane, Schuyler and Stefan.
"We've been here from the opening ceremonies and will be here to the end," Sten e-mailed between competitions on Monday.
High on their watch list are men's gymnastics, women's boxing "to the end," and Houston's Lopez family competing in Taekwondo. Sofia is close friends with the Lopez clan and she has been a mentor for the past three years to Olympic boxing great Marlen Esparza.
The young Houstonian won her first bout on Monday, making her the first American woman to take a win in Olympic boxing and guaranteeing a medal. Sten added, "There were lots of happy tears when they embraced outside the locker room after the bout."
"She's making Houston proud," he concluded, after ticking off Marlen's positive exposure that includes a piece in Vogue and contracts with Covergirl, Nike and Coke.
Wine feast with Hollywood pizzaz
Less than two weeks before the premiere of his film Taken 2, screenwriter Robert Kamen teams up once again with Tony Vallone for a wine dinner at Tony's featuring his Kamen Estate Wines' celebrated Kashmir cabernet sauvignon.
The Hollywood figure cum Sonoma Valley winemaker is expected not only to share the scoop on his mountain Cabernet and his biodynamic growing methods but also to offer a few insights on the film that opens Oct. 10 and stars Liam Neeson.
Those signing on for the Sept. 27 dinner, featuring a tasting menu specially created for the event, will sample the wine on which wine expert Robert Parker has bestowed a 94+ points.
Focusing on new and old
The ladies responsible for the Theta Charity Antiques Show prowled the aisles at L.K. Bennett in the Galleria last week while sipping bubbly and tea in anticipation of the upcoming antiques extravaganza that will take over a good part of the George R. Convention Center in mid-November.
Show chair Jennifer Bowen welcomed the throng of Theta committee members and volunteers who participated in the "champagne tea," designated as such in honor of the 2012 show theme, "Royal Tea." The fundraising for a number of local charities begins with the preview party Nov. 14.
No party, no kidding
For the second year, the Houston Humane Society is not throwing an annual bash, but organizers are working on the "No Gala" invitation, to be mailed in September. Last year's event or non-event if you will, brought in more than $100,000 as animal fans wrote their checks in approval of the non-event event.
Heading up the 2012 effort are chairs Connie Reeves Cooke, Virginia Reisman, Susan Krohn, Jan Carson and Phyllis Williams.