Shelby's Social Diary
Famous comedian drives a River Oaks crowd to tears as Arnold Schwarzenegger makes a surprise "appearance"
Former President George W. Bush and Arnold Schwarzenegger might not have really been in the ballroom at River Oaks Country Club, but if you closed your eyes, you would've sworn that they were at the podium. Such was the talent of comedian Dana Carvey as he entertained guests attending the Broach Foundation for Brain Cancer Research.
He literally brought the house to tears with his hilarious impersonations and comedy act. Through those joyous tears, there was reason to celebrate. The evening, chaired by foundation president Jamie Broach, brought in $875,000 for brain cancer research.
Chuck Yates served as emcee of the fundraiser that began with a surprise rap performance and gospel tribute to James Broach, founder of the foundation. He lost his battle with brain cancer last fall. Also on the program was Dr. Frederick Lang, director of clinical research in the Department of Neurosurgery at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center.
Joining in the laughter were Joella and Steve Mach, Lilly and Thurmon Andress, Faith and Lee Majors, Kim Yates, Ajay and Sippi Khurana, Stacey and John Andell, Janet and David Cunningham, M.D. Anderson president Dr. Ron DePinho and a host of M.D. Anderson doctors.