Charity Proceeds Knock Oil Bust
Beautiful al fresco dinner evening shows energry firms still chipping in for charity
Applause, applause for supporters of Small Steps Nurturing Center, many in the energy industry, who despite the devastating price of oil chipped in big time at the annual Small Steps Wine Classic.
By night's end at the private club, the well-heeled crowd of 550 had raised $560,000 plus an additional $125, 000 for scholarships for economically at-risk children aged 2 through 6. That total was well in keeping with monies raised in recent years.
The al fresco evening, in which fine wines are paired with gourmet food offerings, was chaired by Erin and Boyd Heath and Christine and Shea Morenz and honored Suzette and Evan Harrel for their long-time support of the pre-school. While guests supped, advanced sommelier Vilma Mazaite shared insights on the wines served.
Among those enjoying the al fresco evening held in a party tent amid a forest of oaks were Susan and David Light, Marty Phillips, Aimee and Wynne Snoots, Jessica and Fred Brazelton, Julie and John Howie, Kathleen and Townes Pressler, Barbara and Corby Robertson, and Jill and Scott Holstead.