- Dan TutcherPhoto by Kim Coffman
- Bob Cavnar, left, and Shorty YeamanPhoto by Kim Coffman
- Larry DierkerPhoto by Kim Coffman
- Meredith Long, left, and Jonathan FingerPhoto by Kim Coffman
- Hugh Echols, left, and Bo HopsonPhoto by Kim Coffman
They huffed and they pufffed and they blew the roof off of traditional black-tie partying. Just ask any of the 130 gents who put on their formal suiting (without complaint, we might add) and headed for the Coronado Club Tuesday night.
No stuffy evening this. The Alley Theatre's "Wild Things 2010" offered a number of seductive elements for the manly contingent — leggy ladies in camo gear proffering an endless selection of cigars, fine dining on wild game, commendable wines and plenty of testosterone-laced dish. Former Houston Astros manager Larry Dierker provided the entertaiment with tales that were appropriately dubbed "Inside the Locker Room." As Alley managing director Dean Gladden reported, "Larry shared stories that you normally wouldn't tell in public." At least not with ladies in the room.
The night, as is tradition, was heavy on manly camaraderie. "It's a fun time to get together," Gladden said. "You can just really enjoy a chance to smoke cigars and visit with a real mix of men."
Alley coffers were enriched by $215,000, due in no small part to the live auction in which Joe Davis and Randy Limbacher each bid a whopping $30,000 for the Apache Corp. hunting/fishing trip in Wyoming. (Apache agreed to give it twice.)
Headlining this Alley production were dinner chairs Jonathan Finger and Meredith Long. Among those inhaling (or not) were Jerry Finger, Phil John, Reed Morian, Mike Stude, Harry Susman, Scott Rozzell, Dan Tutcher, Bo Hopson, Michael Mithoff, Hugh Echols, Scotty Arnoldy, Jesse Marion and John Poindexter.
The smokes, more than 260 spoken for, and the cutters were compliments of Jeffrey Stone, proprietor of Jeffrey Stone Ltd.
One guest reported that by night's end, the smokey haze was so thick that the Ionic Breeze air purifier was practically choking.