24-hour cupcakes
Cupcake ATM headed to Highland Village: Sprinkles adds ice cream, cookies and 24-hour cupcakes
For too long, Houstonians have felt the pang of inferiority that comes with knowing that Highland Village outpost of California-based cupcake chain Sprinkles was inferior to outposts in eight other cities across the country. The reason has nothing to do with recipes — after all, a red velvet cupcake made here tastes the same as it would in Sprinkles' Beverley Hills home base — but rather in how the cupcakes were dispensed.
As in, they were only available hand-delivered by people during Sprinkles' regular operating hours, but that doesn't do when a craving can strike at any time.
"I conceived the idea of an automatic cupcake machine after having late-night sugar cravings while pregnant with my second son,” said Sprinkles founder Candace Nelson.
At eight other outposts across the country, including Dallas, Sprinkles has installed a cupcake ATM that dispenses treats 24/7/365. Perfect for satisfying late night cravings or for those who want to park close by without fighting the Apple Store hordes.
"I conceived the idea of an automatic cupcake machine after having late-night sugar cravings while pregnant with my second son,” said Sprinkles founder Candace Nelson in a statement. “I couldn’t get my midnight cupcake fix. I thought ‘there has to be a way’ and so the concept of the Sprinkles Cupcake ATM was born!”
While the June 11 debut date for the Cupcake ATM merely fulfills a promise first made back in 2013, Sprinkles is making additional changes to its five-year old store by adding ice cream and cookies, too. Made with organic California dairy, Sprinkles ice cream comes in a variety of traditional and contemporary flavors like vanilla, strawberry, cap'n crunch and salty caramel.
"Once we began shipping our ice cream nationwide, I came to realize that Texans love their frozen desserts," Nelson said "To date, we have shipped more housemade pints to Texas than any other state.”
As for the cookies and brownies, they're made with "European style butter and fragrant Madagascar Bourbon vanilla," which both sound like pretty good things to make desserts with. Cookies can also be combined with ice cream to make sandwiches.
Sprinkles will close from May 12 to 19 so that it can retrofitted with all the new goodies. Just in time for summer.