The Elk Dog cometh
With new building approved, Moon Tower Inn is set to reopen — and this time it'sfor real
- After more than a year of renovation work, Moon Tower plans to return in thecoming weeks.
- Facebook: "Wood salvaged from Civil War era slave's quarters and metal salvagedfrom Stephen F. Austin University's 60 year old dairy barns. History bitches!Get into it."
- Facebook: "Hand made tap handles? Why the hell not."
- From Facebook: "BREAKING BAD."
- Facebook: "Just a place to rest your elbows while ordering cold beer."
Moon Tower Inn announced on Facebook that its new shipping-container building officially passed muster with the City of Houston — leaving owners Evan Shannon and Brandon Young just a health inspection away from reopening their beer-and-hot-dog joint after more than a year of renovations.
"If all goes well with the health department, we'll should be open next week," Young told CultureMap on Thursday over the phone from New Orleans, where he was (still?) celebrating the New Year.
"This renovation has been a complete pain in the ass, but, seriously, it'll be worth it," said co-owner Brandon Young.
"This renovation has been a complete pain in the ass, but, seriously, it'll be worth it. Right now the city just needs to approve our kitchen and clear us for occupancy."
To say the least, Moon Tower has been quite the tease since it suddenly closed its doors in October 2011.
This past year, owners and employees have mentioned everything from solar panels and water harvesting systems to a separate lounge named the Gift Horse and a new pizza-and-suds venture. Throughout the winter, spring and summer, the team manned a temporary food truck dubbed the Meat Wagon, announcing in their wake a string of potential (and eventually false) reopening dates.
Regardless of how high-tech they'll take the eco-friendliness, Moon Tower owners have posted Facebook pictures highlighting an array of salvaged wood and hardware. A new dedicated bicycle lot also will be provided.
Drinkwise, Young promised no less than 66 beers on tap, including a handful of brews crafted on-site thanks to a special TABC license. Expect homemade sodas as well.
Foodwise, favorites like the elk-dog and the Cheech Burger will return in all their glory. But come early spring, the restaurant plans to take its offerings to the next level.
"In a few months, we'll be getting some new kitchen equipment that will allow us to do a full menu — with damn appetizers and everything."