Don't be a Stanger
Curled with anger: Millionaire Matchmaker finds herself in a hairy mess
Frizzy-haired girls are all frazzled over Patti Stanger of Bravo's Millionaire Matchmaker's book, Become Your Own Matchmaker. The TV personality and relationship advice regular wrote: "Men appreciate hair they can run their fingers through ... ," representing just one more strike in her rampage against curly hair.
"If you want to keep it curly, go to Israel," she adds.
The book's got curly haired dames all tressed-out. In a letter to Stanger, representatives from wrote, " has had it with your curl-bashing ways. Season after season, we've listened to you fuel insecurities and spread a notion that you can only be attractive with smooth, straight hair."
The letter continues, reports CNN, "What would people say if you were asking women to change their skin color or eye color to attract a man? That is what you're doing in your ongoing campaign against curls."
Stanger was also the subject of criticism in 2009 for telling Glamour magazine, "[Curly hair is OK] ... as long as it's approachable hair, which means he wants to touch it, he wants to put his hands in it ... If you've got healthy hair and it's naturally wavy, you're fine. I'm talking about the frizzy, damaged, really harsh hair."
The curly populace's response? "You appear to be living in a time warp where only one standard of beauty exists: the Barbie Doll," reads the letter to Stanger.
Want to examine the plea for proper curl treatment for yourself? Click here, or join the noble effort by joining the Facebook Group, "No More Curl Bashing."