Don't Toy With Me
Forget the decoy kids: Toy Story 3 owes its success to young adults like me
Tom Hanks and Tim Allen's Toy Story 3 is the No. 1 movie in America by a huge margin, racking up more than $110 million (runner-up Karate Kidpulled just under $30 mil over the weekend), and I'm willing to bet the theaters were stocked with people my age — with or without their younger siblings as excuses.
I was 8 years old when the original Toy Story came out, and I've been front and center in theaters for every sequel. My phone has been blowing up with contemporaries wanting to blow off happy hour to catch Buzz and the gang.
You can spare us the 3-D glasses; we remember when computer animation was revolutionary and Pixar was the be-all, end-all of cinematic technology. I graduated from The Little Mermaid to Toy Story and then A Bug's Life and never looked back.
Will you be seeing Toy Story 3? Will you drag a neighborhood kid along for credibility, or indulge your inner child with some Milk Duds?