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The legend continues: Ron Burgundy confirms Anchorman sequel
- Will Ferrell in AnchormanCourtesy photo
In a decision that has lead no one to show immediate regret, Channel 4 News Team co-anchor Ron Burgundy has announced his legend will continue on the big screen. The avid scotch drinker and expert jazz flutist stopped by Conan recently to confirm that he and Paramount have come to agreement on an Anchorman sequel.
The Emmy award-winning anchor sauntered out onto Conan's stage, wooing the audience with his sexy, smooth fluting, before laying into the host for looking like, “someone put a bright red fright wig on a skeleton.”
After hurling a series of insults, and complimenting loveable co-captain Andy Richter (or was it one of his identical brothers?), San Diego's classiest newsman announced, “there will be a sequel to Anchorman.” Seven words that rival any trip one could take to Pleasure Town.
San Diego's classiest newsman announced, “there will be a sequel to Anchorman.” Seven words that rival any trip one could take to Pleasure Town.
To further excite fans, Deadline is reporting that Adam McKay (Step Brothers, The Other Guys) will once again take seat in the directors chair, with producer help from Judd Apatow, working from a script penned by himself and Will Ferrell. Not only that, but most of the Channel 4 team — Steve Carrell, Paul Rudd, and David Koechner — have signed on for the sequel.
Veronica Corningstone (Christina Applegate), Channel 4's female co-anchor and resident of Whore Island, has not been confirmed for production, one presumes, because of prior commitment to attend Burgundy's gun show.
Not much else is known of the film or what adventure the mustachioed hero will be found in, but in the capable hands of Ferrell and McKay, that is of little concern. For now, take comfort in the fact that we will once again see Ron, Brian, Champ and Brick assemble, continuing the legacy of Channel 4 News. And that is a great story; compelling and rich.
If you missed the announcement; here's the video. Be weary, viewers: the flute is irresistibly sensual — and Burgundy? Undeniably handsome.