Big Bucks, part II
The $3 million man: Houston attorney among top 5 contributors to Obama campaign
- Though President Obama is not expected to carry Texas, he has a strong donorbase in the Lone Star state.Knowledge Creates Power
- Steve Mostyn and his wife, Amber Anderson Mostyn, are among the nation's topcontributors to President Obama's re-election campaign and Democratic causes.Photo by Gary Fountain
- John Eddie Williams, pictured here with wife Sheridan, has given money tocandidates of both parties. He gave $450,000 to President Obama's super PAC and$75,000 to Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst's failed Senate bid.Photo by © Michelle Watson/
While Texas isn't a battleground state, Republicans aren't the only ones contributing big bucks to their presidential favorite.
Houston attorney Steve Mostyn, 41, has given millions to Priorities USA, the super political action committee that's helping fund the campaign of President Obama. The Associated Press ranks Mostyn, the head of the Texas Trial Lawyers Association, as the fifth biggest contributor to the Obama campaign through September of this year, with $2.003 million.
Mostyn told NBC News he donated an additional $1 million to Priorities USA Action last week after watching the second presidential debate. "I need to see some fight," he said.
Mostyn told NBC News he donated an additional $1 million to Priorities USA Action last week after watching the second presidential debate. "I need to see some fight," he said of the president's performance, adding he hoped that the money would go for ads hammering Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney over his Bain Capital past.
Mostyn did not immediately return a call to CultureMap for comment as to whether he planned to donate more to the Obama campaign after watching Monday night's third debate.
Mostyn, a personal injury lawyer who negotiated settlements for property owners affected by Hurricane Ike in claims against the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association, was a major contributor to former Houston Mayor Bill White's 2010 gubernatorial campaign. White was defeated by Gov. Rick Perry.
According to, Moystn's wife, Amber Anderson Mostyn, donated $1 million this year to House Majority PAC, which is seeking a Democratic Party majority in the U.S. House of Representatives, and $200,000 to Planned Parenthood Votes, a PAC that supports pro-choice candidates.
Also on the OpenSecrets list of top donors to outside spending groups is Houston attorney John Eddie Williams, who donated $450,000 to Priorities USA, $100,000 to House Majority PAC, $200,000 to Majority PAC, a super PAC aiming to keep the U.S. Senate under Democratic Party control, and $10,000 to End the Gridlock.
Williams also reached across the political divide and donated $75,000 to the Texas Conservative Fund, the PAC that supported Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, a Republican, in his failed bid for the U.S. Senate.
See which Houstonians donated the most to Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney.