Hipstercrite says
Halloween costumes for hipsters: Wild, ironic looks to leave SoMo salivating
- Empire of the Sun- All you need is a kimono robe or Mom's shoulder-padded waistcoat, white gloves, a bag of feathers and some white eye shadow smeared acrossyour face. Bedazzle the living crap out of everything.
- Drive- Ryan Gosling
- Patti Smith- Added feature- devishly handsome hipster boy in leather jacket, noshirt, tight pants and a 35mm camera around his neck holding your hand.
- Boardwalk Empire- Find your best 1920's suit- high fastening pants, vest, bowlerhat, and corsage- or dress- silk flapper dress with pearls, dangly earrings andhead piece.
Halloween is just around the bend. For us hipsters, this is the cherished time of year when we can emulate our heroes or be ironic without people looking at us like we're huge assholes.
But it's also a challenging time. More than any other time of the year, we want to be different, irreverent. We have to out-do our peers. We can't just walk into one of those big box Halloween stores and buy some cheap-o costume, nooo.
We have to sit and think for days on what will be the most unique, most stylish, most mother f'ing hip costume the world will ever see. We scavenge the vintage shops for just the right items. We spend hours putting our costume together, nearly exploding from anticipation.
Halloween arrives and we make our grand debut at a friend's SoMo soiree sporting our jean cut-offs, bald cap, mustache and blued body feeling free, feeling so alive — until we notice that 24 other people in the room are dressed exactly like Arrested Development's Tobias Funke, too.
Before you faux pas flat on your face, here are some hipster Halloween costume suggestions to pique your creative spark:
Ryan Gosling's movie jacket will be available for purchaseafter Halloween, but until then you can pick yourself up a silk member's only jacket at the local thrift store. Take some yellow paint and draw a sweet-ass yellow scorpion on the back. Buy yourself some leather gloves and work on your best brooding face.
Walk around all bad-ass while sadly knowing deep down that you and everyone else will never be as cool as The Driver.
Advantage? You don't have to change much about your daily hipster garb here. Keep your white American Apparel T-shirt and your scraggily hair. What you will need to do is tattoo a beard onto your face; I'm sorry to have to tell you that. You will also have to wrap a yellow filter over your entire body.
Most expensive asset to the costume is a makeshift flamethrower. But considering you're probably the sort of person that Bellflower is about, I'm not sure society would trust you with a flamethrower.
Hillbilly Handfishin'
You really don't need a lot of clothing for this costume — shirt or no shirt, shorts and a camouflage baseball cap. You might need to spirit gum some hair onto your back. The most important part of this costume is having A GIGANTIC CATFISH jutting out from your arm (see Matt Rainwaters' documentation). I recommend not finding yourself a real catfish, for animal cruelty reasons and stinking to high Heaven reasons.
Added feature: a dummy arm with missing fingers.
Boardwalk Empire
This costume requires some work. Find your best 1920s suit (high-fastening pants, vest, bowler hat and corsage) or dress (silk flapper dress with pearls, dangly earrings and head piece). Hold some gambling chips in one hand a bottle of unmarked booze in the other. Added feature: Go to the Steve Buscemeyes app, add Steve Buscemi's eyes to your photo, print it out and blow it up.
Tape the terrifying photo of you with Steve Buscemi eyes to your face.
You'll need a white button-up shirt, black ribbon around your neck, black jeans, black blazer and a shaggy self-haircut. Added feature: devilishly handsome hipster boy in leather jacket, no shirt, tight pants and a 35mm camera around his neck, who is holding your hand.
Don't fret if you didn't make Michael Jackson's estate sale, raiding your mom's carefully packed-away '80s clothing should be just fine. All you need is a kimono robe or Mom's shoulder-padded waist coat, white gloves, a bag of feathers and some white eye shadow smeared across your face. Bedazzle the living crap out of everything. Make sure to carry a stereo playing MGMT.
Got other hipster Halloween ideas? Tell us in comments.