Innovative Thinking
A busty blonde in a lettuce bikini who will clean up H-Town? PETA offers to payfor unique trash plan
PETA, the notoriously outspoken animal rights group behind all kinds of outrageous stunts, has a suggestion for tidying up Houston's image as one of the dirtiest cities in America.
The organization's executive vice president Tracy Reiman addressed a letter to Harry Hayes, director of the Houston Solid Waste Management Department, proposing to pay the city for advertisements plastered to the side of its fleet of garbage trucks.
If the copy isn't enough to entice, then the accompanying image of a busty blonde wearing a bra made of lettuce leaves surely will be.
"Meat Trashes the Planet. Go Vegan. Free Starter Recipes:," reads the mock-up ad. If that copy isn't enough to entice, then the accompanying image of a busty blonde wearing a bra made of lettuce leaves surely will be.
"Getting PETA's awareness-raising ad placed on Houston's trash trucks is a win-win situation for the city, the planet, and animals," Reiman writes in the letter. The ad revenue would boost the department's budget for better trash service, and each converted vegan would mean less air pollution — which is the Bayou City's biggest problem anyway.
Read the full letter here. Weirder things have happened, right?