feb. 19
Links we love today: Maya Rudolph's amazing SNL episode, a 113-track rocksampler, bad ad examples and more
Here are the links we loved today:
In honor of last night’s amazing SNL: Maya Rudolph’s 10 best characters; The only Obama Show GIF set you need; See Sleigh Bells two awesome performances (which more than make up for this season's less stellar musical guests); Maya's babely bumper photos; Amy Poehler cameos for “Bronx Beat”:
The Guardian interviews rock journo Greil Marcus.
Swedish man trapped in snow survives two months in his car.
Lifehacker’s five favorite professional-looking nameplate sites; St. Petersburg’s 10 most unusual hotels; Examples of inappropriate ad placement.
Reading Infinite Jest?Here are three visual aids to help you keep track of the storylines.
Here’s a 113-track sampler from Burger Records (psst, you’ll be able to catch a ton of these bands at SXSW).
The Aquabats! have a new show!