Party Watch

Dynamic duo double the pleasure, double the fun at "Sweet Sixteen" birthday bash

What: Roseann & Lara's Annual Summer Birthday Bash.

Where: B&B Butchers and Restaurant.

The 411: It was double the pleasure, double the fun at a joint bash celebrating birthday girls, John Daugherty exec Roseann Rogers and Absolutely Memorial publisher Lara Bell.

More than 150 partygoers packed the second floor private party space at Washington Ave. hotspot B&B Butchers and Restaurant for the dynamic duo’s sixteenth annual summertime soiree.

Of course, what’s a “Sweet Sixteen” party without stellar food and drinks, and swanky parting-gifts? Bites included bite-sized beef Wellingtons and salmon and chicken salad served in petite wonton cones. Waitstaff poured over a dozen wines handpicked by B&B sommelier Jane-Paige D’Huyvetter. And personalized truffles from Sessy Sweets added a sweet touch.

On their way out, guests received swag bags provided by River Oaks-area shop, More Than You Can Imagine, filled with gift and discount cards, sunglasses and more.

Joining the fun were family members, including Bell’s children, Dylan Milam and Brooks Milam, Roger’s son Nikhil Shah and mother Judy Rogers, and special guests: Rogers' younger brother, Father Joe Rogers, who flew in from Gaithersburg, Maryland, to attend the event, and Bell’s mother Bonnie Bell, who underwent brain surgery just three weeks ago.

Who: Also wishing the BBF’s a very happy birthday were Vanessa Sendukas, Vicki Rizzo, Lauri Vallone, Mauri Oliver, Diane Cervenka, Shelby Kibodeaux and Bruce Padilla (who were over-the-moon excited spilling details about their upcoming wedding nuptials this weekend), Yasmine Haddad, Michael Pearce and Matt Burrus, Melissa Clemente, Roz and Alan Pactor, Marcus and Suzanne Stern, Heather Staible, Stuart Rosenberg, Miya Shay and Gene Wu, Courtney Zubowski Haas and Julie and Trey Comiskey.
