Party Watch
Fit kids takes on new meaning: Obesity epidemic elbowed aside by serious wallet worry
Mar 11, 2015 | 4:14 pm
What:Children's Museum of Houston Friends & Families Luncheon.
Where: River Oaks Country Club.
The 411: Valeria Burguières and Emily Dalicandro chaired the annual fundraiser attended by close to 300 museum supporters. Popular speaker and author and CEO of Independent Means Joline Godfrey spread her gospel of the importance of teaching children financial responsibility and shared tips from her book Raising Financially Fit Kids. KTRK Channel 13 news anchor Gina Gaston served as luncheon emcee.
Who: Christie Sullivan, Tiffany Smith, Lisa Barksdale, Courtney Toomey, Millette Sherman, Carmen Mach, Winnie Simmons, Sicily Dickenson, Kelly Sklar and Kristen Berger.