Audio Photo Essay
Inside Houston's highly-anticipated Picasso show: Expert delves deep to give exclusive insights
Feb 21, 2013 | 1:04 pm
As far as art exhibitions go, the most profound are rooted in a simple idea. Picasso Black and Whiteat the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston fits that bill.
___ The Milliner’s Workshop hails from a later phase in Picasso's Cubism that came after the analytical phase of his earlier works. It's his first large scale painting, almost the size of a shop's window. What Picasso depicted is the interior of a hat maker's shop; one just like it was open for business outside his apartment. On the right side of the image, a man peeks through an open door. Considering that gifting a woman a hat was highly regarded as a chivalrous gesture, Picasso offers a delightful social convention of Parisian society.
Photo courtesy of © 2013 Estate of Pablo Picasso Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York
___ The Milliner’s Workshop hails from a later phase in Picasso's Cubism that came after the analytical phase of his earlier works. It's his first large scale painting, almost the size of a shop's window. What Picasso depicted is the interior of a hat maker's shop; one just like it was open for business outside his apartment. On the right side of the image, a man peeks through an open door. Considering that gifting a woman a hat was highly regarded as a chivalrous gesture, Picasso offers a delightful social convention of Parisian society.
Pablo Picasso, The Milliner’s Workshop, Rue La Boéte, Paris, January 1926, oil on canvas, Musée national d’art modern Centre de creation industrielle, Centre Pompidou, Paris