Audio Photo Essay
Inside Houston's highly-anticipated Picasso show: Expert delves deep to give exclusive insights
Feb 21, 2013 | 1:04 pm
As far as art exhibitions go, the most profound are rooted in a simple idea. Picasso Black and Whiteat the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston fits that bill.
___ Houstonians are familiar with Picasso's whimsical Woman with Outstretched Arms, a major holding of MFAH's permanent collection. Picasso was 80 years old when he collaborated with a man who owned a scrap metal shop and offered to shape iron to Picasso's specifications. Picasso would take the raw material and fashion tongue-in-cheek sculptures like this woman, who appears prepared to welcome viewers with a warm embrace.
Photo courtesy of © 2013 Estate of Pablo Picasso Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York
___ Houstonians are familiar with Picasso's whimsical Woman with Outstretched Arms, a major holding of MFAH's permanent collection. Picasso was 80 years old when he collaborated with a man who owned a scrap metal shop and offered to shape iron to Picasso's specifications. Picasso would take the raw material and fashion tongue-in-cheek sculptures like this woman, who appears prepared to welcome viewers with a warm embrace.
Pablo Picasso, Woman with Outstretched Arms, Cannes, La Californie, 1961, painted iron and metal sheeting, the MFAH, gift of the Esther Florence Whitney Goodrich Foundation