Party Watch
Alley Theatre holiday party for major patrons and board is an unscripted delight
What: The Alley Theatre board's annual holiday party.
Where: The River Oaks home of Kristiand John Schiller.
The 411: 'Twas several nights before Christmas and all through their home, the Schillers had decorated from basement to dome. The lavish decor was not only for their Christmas festivities but also for the evening honoring the theater's board and resident acting company. Add major patrons and friends and the gathering totaled more than 100. Managing director Dean Gladden and artistic director Gregory Boyd led the party celebrating the Alley's successful season. No scripts required for this lively gathering.
The partying began in the Schillers' home with cocktails then moved to their expansive back lawn for a seated dinner by City Kitchen.
Who: Company members Josie de Guzman, Todd Waite, Jay Sullivan, David Rainey, Melissa Pritchett and Elizabeth Bunch as well as Jesse Marion, Margaret Alkek Williams, Connie and Roger Plank, Butch Mach, Lois and George Stark, Kathryn and Jim Ketelsen, Sharyn and Jim Weaver, Lynn Wyatt, Betty Hardy and Mady and Ken Kades.