Vance Muse, communications director at The Menil Collection, is the authorof Old New Orleans (1988), two volumes of the Smithsonian Guide to HistoricAmerica (Northern New England, revised edition, 1998;Deep South, revisededition, 1998), and We Bombed in Burbank: A Joyride to Prime Time (1994), aswell as coauthor, with Raymond W. Daum, of Walking with Garbo: Conversations andRecollections (1991). He is at work on a new book, We Were Here, about an early20th-century gay summer colony in New England. * Tags []
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Ahead of their time: Vance Muse, left, and Bob Speer were an openly gay coupleon the UT campus in 1972
The Texas Book Two: More Profiles, History and Reminiscences of the University
Vance Muse, right, and his good friend Sherri Grasmuch on the UT campus in 1973