Kelly Stocker
Kelly Stocker has made it her mission to explore the most obscure nooks andcrannies of Austin. Formerly the Community Director at Yelp, she can hold forthon the swankiest spots or the dirtiest dives in equal measure (the latter beingher preference.)Adventures, discoveries, travels, rosé, soft rock, candy crush, karaoke andanything that involves being in a pool are on her top ten list. In addition towriting for CultureMap, she's a DJ at KGSR [] on the weekends. Want to follow her on other channels? You should. Follow, friend, like on allthe internets: Facebook [], Twitter[], Instagram[] and website [].She's installed and uninstalled Snapchat three times so don't bother looking forher there. If you'd like to pay her money for her mad skills, find heron LinkedIn [].
Traveling Texas
From shrimp to mosquitos: 9 quintessential Texas festivals that are worth the road trip
May 26, 2016 | 9:00 am