Lester H. Smith is an oilman, world championship ballroom dancer, philanthropistand author of You Gotta Dance Like No One’s Watching. He’s also the creator ofthe $1 Million Pink Well Challenge for breast cancer - pinkwell.org[https://www.pinkwell.org]
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Lester Smith presents Ellen DeGeneres with a $25,000 check for her campaign tofight breast cancer. He also announced an award in her honor, with a $25,000grant to the organization that wins the most votes online by Oct. 14 in thePinkwell Challenge. For details, go to www.pinkwell.org[https://www.pinkwell.org].
Lester Smith waits for his cue to go onstage at the Ellen show in Los Angeles.
Lester and Ellen bust a move.
Lester's posse: from left, Trish Morille, Lester Smith, Sue Smith, CherriCarbonara