Extra crisis volunteers required
Is the Super Bowl actually the worst day of the year? It's domestic violence's biggest event day too
For some, Super Bowl XLVII festivities will be filled with fun and games, trash talking and commercial watching and unapologetic junk food snacking — but for others, it will be a time of personal struggle.
Brenda Fitch, director of training for Crisis Intervention of Houston, says that all major holidays are typically busy for the confidential, anonymous help hotline, but the NFL's title game (a semi-holiday by American standards) is easily the busiest.
The atmosphere surrounding the big game, Fitch explains, tends to create "a perfect storm" of drug and alcohol abuse, depression and loneliness.
"We see a noted volume on Super Bowl Sunday and the following week," she says — enough that they have to bring in extra volunteers to man the phone lines.
The atmosphere surrounding the big game, Fitch explains, tends to create "a perfect storm" of drug and alcohol abuse, depression and loneliness, financial issues and gambling that all to frequently leads to increased suicidal thoughts and domestic violence.
Keep an eye on family and friends for signs of ideation, substance abuse, purposelessness, anxiety, hopelessness, withdrawal, anger, recklessness and mood change, indications that might point to suicidality.
If you or someone you know needs help, call 713-HOTLINE.