- Mr. and Mrs. Todd Forester take the floor at the MFAH for their first dance. TheFrank Stella piece made a striking backdrop for the wedding receptiondinner/dance.
- Laura Spalding checks out the dazzling merchandise at the opening of DeVilleFine Jewelry.
- Robert Bruni surprises his wife, Donna, with a birthday dinner at Tony's.Photo by Priscilla Dickson
Developer and home builder Vincent Kickerillo was one proud papa Saturday night when his only child, Kelli Kickerillo, walked down the aisle of St. John Vianney Catholic Church to wed her long-time beau, Todd Forester. The wedding was beautiful in its elegant simplicity, but it was the reception that still has guests twittering.
Slightly more than 400 black-tie-attired notables arrived at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston in a parade of Bentleys, Mercedeses and Lexuses that belied any indicators of a down Houston economy. Elyse and Bob Lanier, Kirby and Scott McCool, Sonny Messiah Jiles and Jodie Jiles and Rose and Harry Cullen typified the cross section of citizenry represented. They gathered in the Caroline Wiess Law building where more than 20,000 white roses, flown in from Ecuador, added lushness to the all-white decor. The one striking note of color was the brilliant Frank Stella piece, Damascus Gate (Stretch Variation III) that reached almost the full width of the Cullinan Hall wall.
Among those sitting down to the lavish dinner from City Kitchen were Lindsay and Rand Holstead, Sheridan and John Eddie Williams, Courtney and Christopher Sarofim, Lora and Dr. John Clemmons, Shara Fryer and Barry Silverman, Frann Lichtenstein and Jeff Hirschberg, Kristen and Lee Nix, Elizabeth and Zack Fertitta and Marianne and Robert Ivany, president of the University of St. Thomas. Both the bride and groom are UST grads.
Of course, Mary Kickerillo, mother of the bride, and the groom's parents — Mary Frances Munn and Don Forester — had their significant roles to play in the evening. One of which was dancing to the sounds of the LA showband Splash! The group regularly performs at the Academy Awards Governor's Ball and at parties surrounding the Emmys. Nancy Ames and Danny Ward, wedding guests, orchestrated the band's presence.
Holiday bling
Oh, the dazzling beauties that caught our eye at the DeVille Fine Jewelry opening on Saturday night. The diamonds, the sapphires, the "DeVille purple" amethysts! And so reasonably priced — at least for those with beaucoup bucks to spend on luscious adornments. The bottom line begins at $600 and goes to . . . well, the sky is the limit, we were told.
Deville Fine jewelry CEO Liz Glanville, who knows a thing or two about carats and karats, welcomed scores of well-heeled friends and serious customers to her swank retail salon on Woodway. You might remember that Glanville ran the Bulgari boutique in the Galleria before going out on her own. Prior to that she was the popular director of the Cartier boutique here.
This is not your typical storefront. DeGeorge Design, Tuttle Development and Wendt Design Group collaborated with Glanville on the space that features a granite "champagne" bar complete with flat-screen TV. The philosophy being that Mama can shop while Daddy enjoys a Scotch and the game on the tube. On this night, the salon was dressed in a virtual forest of calla lilies.
Perusing the gilded offerings were Laura and John Spalding, Isabel and Danny David, Jennifer Roosth, Jim DeGeorge, Lance and Donna DeGeorge, Bryce Kennard, Gracie and Bob Cavnar, Sugar Land City Coucilwoman Jacqueline Chaumette and Tom Glanville, the CEO's attentive husband.
Big surprise
Houston Grand Opera patron Donna Bruni just thought she was having a quiet dinner with Margaret Williams and Jim Daniel at Tony's last week when hubby Robert Bruni surprised her with a birthday fete in the middle of the dining room. Nineteen celebrants sat down for the feast including HGO 2010 ball chairs Denise Bush Bahr and Philip Bahr, Danielle and John Ellis, Ellie and Mike Francisco and HGO's Rudy Avelar and Guyla Pircher.
The Bruni pals went together and bought the birthday girl a pair of red-and-silver-sequinned Ferragamo flats, the style Donna had been dreaming of for spring. At just about the time the "ruby slippers" were being presented HGO singer Alicia Gianni arrived to serenade the table, and consequently the entire restaurant, with Donna's favorite song, Somewhere Over the Rainbow. Applause, applause.
Even the guests received gifts on this night -- 4-foot-tall swag bags loaded with serious goodies from Neiman Marcus, Saks Fifth Avenue, Tootsies, Chanel, Ralph Lauren and more.
Brunch bunch
Michael Wood and Alberto Hernandez took over Tony's Sunday for an annual holiday brunch with a reputation for a lavish menu and a smashing, four-foot-tall ice cream snowman dessert. No one among the 102 guests was disappointed. The traditional five-course extravaganza began with white truffle souffle and continued through to the Snowman Bombe Glace and cinnamon soufflé.
New this year were the elaborate table decorations with a pixie theme — all done by Hernandez, quite a creative task for the party host.
Savoring the food and wine were guests including Gerry Heard, Tylor Hearn, Bob Jones, Elizabeth Morgan, Betty and Manny Leal, Steve Marcum, Dr. Cecil Durham, Donna and Tony Vallone, Steve Whitten, Sean Yarbrough, Mark Coleman and Tim Winkler.