Party Time at L'Olivier
Milestone birthday celebration doubles as campaign party for City Controller candidate
L'Olivier was packed with a who's who cross-section of Houston notables whenChris Browntook over for an early evening 40th birthday celebration that doubled as a campaign party in his bid for City Controller.
The party was hosted by Peter Brown, the candidate's father and former City Council member, and by New Leaders Texas, a statewide network committed to nurturing and promoting the next generation of high-caliber Texas leaders. As might have been expected, loads of praise were heaped on the chief deputy City Controller, not the least of which came from surprise guest San Antonio Congressman Joaquin Castro.
Political veterans in the mix included out-going City Controller Ron Green (Brown's boss) and strategist Robert Miller. Brown's campaign treasurer Jimmy Robertson and wife Carolyn and Brown's campaign manager Carlos Paz Jr. offered birthday wishes and encouraged support of the candidate. And, of course, the birthday boy's wife, Divya Brown, carried the torch as well.
The Brown-friendly crowd included Scott Atlas, Kristy Bradshaw, Janae and Kenneth Tsai, Brian Stansbury, Danny David, Caroline Starry LeBlanc and Jared LeBlanc, Andrea Gallagher, Claire Cormier-Thielke andRick Thielke, and Stacy and John Andell.