Mint Julep 2017
Wild applause and huge tips for showstopping performers rev up Mint Julep celebration
What: 15th Annual Mint Julep Variety Show.
Where: Rich's.
The scoop: The downtown club rocked as 200 revelers, some dressed in the theme of "Dream Girls and Guys," applauded the female impersonators and other singers who performed hit numbers from some of Broadway's most fabled musicals. Co-emcees Ginger Grant, Crystal Rae Lee Love and Angela Mercy opened and closed the show with hit tunes from Dreamgirls, including "One Night Only."
Many of the entertainers, including Katy Freeway, Kaye Sedilla, and Angelina DM Traliz, won big applause and big tips, which were donate to Legacy's HIV/AIDS programs and services. In all, $88,000 was raised. Legacy executive director Katy Caldwell and chief development officer Chree Boydstun welcomed guests and gave a brief overview of the organization. Honorees included The Diana Foundation, Jani Lopez, and Bryan Hlavinka.
Who: Cheering on the entertainment were event co-chairs Tony Bravo, Linda Cantu, and Ben Dillon, host Domenic Cusano, as well as Ryan Chuston, Patrick Dickson, Alan Detllaff, Yvonne Cormier, Andrew and Parker Witt, Rand Key, Steve Locke and Anthony Danzey, Jim Sikorski. Mike Freeman, Michael Dale and Robert Wolff, Amanda and Chad Lemaire, Cyndy Garza-Roberts, Ray Purser and Doug Hollowell, Ed Finger, Jr., Lora Clemmons, and Laura Randall.