Shelby's Social Diary
Even in late June, a non-profit can find success with a luncheon benefit
It was a love fest at the Hyatt Regency Houston when friends and fans of Anita and Gerald Smith lined up to pay tribute to the couple as honorees at the 14th annual Barrier Breaker Award Luncheon benefiting Career & Recovery Resources.
Among those applauding the Smiths, in either video or at the podium, for their legacy of service in the Houston community were Career & Recovery Resources CEO Vernus Swisher, board chair J. Stephen Barrick, State Sen. Rodney Ellis, Andrea White, Ann and Don Short, Beverly and Jim Postl, Angela and Albert Myres and Judy and Wayne McConnell.
More than 400 turned out in support of the agency that helps individuals identify and overcome barriers to employment. The program included testimonials from four CRR clients who have successfully progressed to significant career accomplishments.
Good news for the agency — proceeds topped those of last year's luncheon totaling $207,000.
In the luncheon mix were Arthur Schechter, Gene Locke, Lisa Foronda, Catherine Mosbacher, City Councilman Ed Gonzalez, Tom Ramsey, Cary Yates, Judge Clarease Rankin Yates, Peter Brown and City Controller Ron Green. Add emcees Jerome Gray of KPRC Channel 2 and Mat Musil of KHOU Channel 11.