Party Watch
Crime Stoppers salutes heroes who make Houston a safer place to live and work
What: Crime Stoppers Houston's Heroes Awards luncheon.
Where: Hotel ZaZa.
The 411: H-E-B Houston president Scott McClelland entertained the gathering of more than 375 with a playful keynote address while the serious business of the day, recognizing crime fighters, was in the hands of emcee Dave Ward and Crime Stoppers executive director Rania Mankarious.
Taking bows for their community service were Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson, Lee Vela of Clear Channel Outdoor, Houston Police Department volunteer Eddee Hestand and corporate partner CenterPoint Energy. Gena and Chuck Norris received the new Safe School Award for their community impact through KICKSTART KIDS.
Who: Houston Police Chief Charles McClelland, Harris County Sheriff Ron Hickman, Alma Kombargi, Leisa Holland-Nelson, Chip Coross, Mack Neff, Kim Padgett, Hazem Ahmed, Vicki and Jack Rizzo, Chris Springer, Glover and Fenner Weller.