It's party time!
Check out the coolest Save-the-Date notice we've seen all year
I've seen more than a few dazzling invitations and save-the-date cards in my career as society scribe.
I've gleefully opened colorful envelopes only to have a handful of sand (Galveston beach party) or a rainbow of sticky confetti (Carnival) fall into my lap. I've seen the most expensive invitations you can imagine — miniature handmade hat boxes, full-sized toy guitars and pricey leather-bound boxes that contained party details. Save-the-date notices can come in almost as many elaborate incarnations. But none has been more compelling than the e-mail blast that Spacetaker sent out on Tuesday.
If you weren't one of the 3,500 recipients, you can check it out here.
Congratulations to Spacetaker executive director Jenni Rebecca Stephenson and Spacetaker's web/graphics guru and artist Anthony Thompson Shumate, who collaborated on the artistically mournful "Apocolypto" video that counts down the seconds, minutes, hours and days until the benefit at Winter Street Studios on March 20. Sign me up!
For more info on the event, email