Pix of the day
A sign of the times: Underbelly takes Romney "binders" meme to the streets ofMontrose
- Underbelly joined in the Mitt Romney "binders" fun on Wednesday.Photo by Tyler Rudick
- Facebook fans loved the sign, although a few cried some red-state tears.Photo by Tyler Rudick
Sorry, Mitt — that "binders full of women" meme is going to haunt you for a few more days.
Here in Houston, Chris Shepherd's Underbelly is the latest to riff on Romney's Tuesday night debate gaffe, changing up its Westheimer roadside marquee to read "We have binders full of wine" on one side and "Chances took the binder full of women" on the other.
(The site of the wildly popular restaurant was previously Chances, a lesbian bar.)
Underbelly's roadside marquee reads "We have binders full of wine" on one side and "Chances took the binder full of women" on the other.
After posting pictures of the sign on its Facebook page Wednesday, Underbelly has received numerous accolades from its loyal foodie followers with comments ranging from "Freakin hilarious" to "You guys rock!" to "Bahahaha."
But you can't please everyone all of the time, of course . . .
"I don't appreciate the political mockery from a business that needs all the help it can get from an administration that openly takes all it can from you," said one commentor. "And I dont believe it's good business, for any business to be outing itself in favor of one political affiliation for the other. Let me tell you why it's not good business — you just lost mine."
As Underbelly supporters pounced on the grumpy post, someone stepped in with a nice level-headed note: "Well — no matter anyone's opinion this is successful marketing — look at the attention it's getting! Good job guys!"
Got a great photo of a Houston happening or everyday occurrence? Or just a fun photo that shows why Houston is so unique? Send it to barbara@culturemap.com, along with details (who, what, where and why it's special). It might make our Pix of the Day.