You are what you eat
Where's the beef? Bill Clinton goes vegan (with video)
- Fitter. Happier. More productive. Vegan?Photo by Ralph Alswang/Clinton Foundation
- No more McMuffins for you, Former Mr. President.
If Bill Clinton can do it, any red-blooded Southerner can do it, too.
Nah, we're not talking about being faithful to your mate (that's another round of admonishments for another day). We're talking about foresaking meat.
It seems that any inquiries into "Where's the beef?" in the Clinton manse are going largely unanswered these days by the former United States head honcho.
That's 'cause your favorite saxophonist has gone vegan.
More or less.
We all know his daughter's wedding bonanza featured an exclusively vegan cornucopia. But was it at Chelsea's insistence that daddy drop the dead animals from his diet?
Following his recent bypass surgery, the avid runner chatted about his revised eating habits with CNN's Wolf Blitzer.
"I did all this research, and I saw that 82 percent of the people since 1986 who have gone on a plant-base — no dairy, no meat of any kind, no chicken, no turkey — have begun to heal themselves." Although, Clinton admitted, "I eat very little fish — once in a while I'll have a little fish."
So how did Clinton (almost) break on through the flesh filibuster?
"I live on beans, legumes, vegetables, fruit," Clinton said. "I drink a protein supplement every morning — no dairy. I drink almond milk, mixed in with fruit and protein powder."
It's around this point in the interview that you can see Blitzer become visibly nauseated, but Clinton — ever the pioneer — presses on.
"It changed my whole metabolism and I lost 24 pounds," Clinton said with understated triumph.
Perhaps a wee bit gaunt for our tastes, Clinton side noted, "I got back to basically what I weighed in high school."
Good boy, Billy.
Move over, Monica. There's a seasoned, svelte health nut on the vegan block, and we want to intern for him.