Foodie News
A cool Latin chef, hot city & new restaurant make reality TV debut in Aquiles enHouston
- Aquiles Chavez and familyPhoto by Amy Dunn
- Chef Aquiles Chavez of La FisheriaPhoto by Amy Dunn
From Erica Rose to Bryan Caswell and Rebecca Masson, Houston has had its share of reality stars. Yet Houston itself has never had much of a presence on the small screen, and unless one of those rumored Real Housewives of Houston shows actually happens, Bayou City's biggest television moment is set to start on Sunday, when Aquiles en Houston debuts on Spanish-language cable channel Utilisima.
Aquiles in Houston follows celebrity chef Aquiles Chavez as he transplants his family from Mexico to Houston to open a new restaurant, La Fisheria. Chavez has already acheived fame across Latin America with his previous Utilisima shows, including an Anthony Bourdain-style travel show, Aquilisimo, and El Toque de Aquiles, a fun-packed cooking show.
It might be airing on Spanish-language TV, but Aquiles en Houston has the potential to show a quintessential part of life in Houston, one of the most diverse cities in the country.
His new show should show a new side of Aquiles, as he navigates the culture and lifestyle of a new country with his family, all while dealing with the challenges of creating a business as an immigrant. It might be airing on Spanish-language TV, but Aquiles en Houston has the potential to show a quintessential part of life in Houston, one of the most diverse cities in the country.
Chavez could have chose to put down roots somewhere like Miami (where his Latin American fame would probably have been more useful); his settling on Houston is both evidence of our city's relative economic well-being and a sign of the prominence of Mexican citizens relocating here. In an interview about his new Houston projects, Chavez mentions that there are many Tabasco natives in Houston, with The Woodlands as a popular suburb for expats.
Are you planning to watch Aquiles en Houston?