Beer, bites & cupcakes
Pints for the Planet fundraiser at Saint Arnold Brewery draws big turnout
- Photo by Caroline Gallay
- Saint Arnold founder Brock Wagner presented a check to Whole Plant, whichrepresented 100 percent of the event's proceeds (entrants paid $25 for beer,bites and cupcakes).Photo by Caroline Gallay
- Around 200 like-minded revelers turned out at Saint Arnold Brewery Wednesdayevening for the fundraiser.Photo by Caroline Gallay
Around 200 like-minded revelers turned out at Saint Arnold Brewery Wednesday evening for the Pints for the Planet fundraiser benefiting Whole Foods' charitable initiative, Whole Planet.
Taking place in short order with companion events at Karbach Brewing and craft beer bar Hay Merchant, the Saint Arnold shindig raised $4,850 for the non-profit org that was founded in 2005 and works to provide micro-credit to impoverished families in the United States and developing countries around the world.
Saint Arnold donated the space and brew for the event, which attracted a sizeable but low-key crowd. Founder Brock Wagner presented the requisite oversized check to the foundation, which represented 100 percent of the event's proceeds (entrants paid $25 for beer, bites and cupcakes), and pledged to next year surpass $5,000.
Also of note Thursday were two enormous 240-barrel tanks sitting at the front door of the brewery, which one staffer said were older, dinged up tanks in the process of being replaced. Exciting for Saint Arnold lovers, they are just a few of the 240-barrel tanks that have been slowly replacing the 120s in the brewery, expanding capacity as the city's craft beer community grows.