Welcome Home
Welcome home: 7 ways to give your entryway a fresh new look

Your entryway welcomes you home and gives your guests a taste of what’s to come. Does your entry need a refresh? Take a look at these seven areas for ideas and inspiration.
1. Step onto a new doormat.People walk all over this entry feature. While it adds style to your entry as people pass through the door, it also gathers debris. Give it a shake after the holiday season or consider finding a new one to welcome your guests.
Prepare Your Entry for Any Forecast
2. Hang a different mailbox. With so much communication happening digitally, it’s easy to forget about the physical inbox outside our front door. This mailbox keeps the mail routine simple, but you also can find mailboxes with house numbers and lights. If you continually forget to pick up your mail, maybe a change of mailbox could offer a reminder.
3. Add a unique door knocker. A door knocker, while low tech, does the job and more. It alerts home dwellers to the arrival of guests and adds a touch of personality to the front door.
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4. Shine a new light on it.All the details are lost if guests can’t see them. Overhead lights on the porch in the photo above light the steps and front door and frame two bright red chairs.
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5. Give your coat a spot. If you lack a formal coat closet, coats can end up scattered throughout the home. Take a look at your entry and consider adding a spot just for coats. A dedicated spot also makes it easy to grab your coat as you dash out the door, helping you stay on time and warm.
6. Find stairs that work for your home.Stairs help us transition from outside to inside our home. The right steps can make the move seamless. So before you take any steps with your stairs, consider the materials, balance, and style that help tell your home story, and stay within your price range.
7. Prepare your entry for all kinds of weather. As the seasons change, add and subtract storage options. When it gets cold outside, pull out a basket for mittens. When it starts to pour, make sure your umbrella holder is ready to handle the moisture.