StyleMakers 2016
We need your help to find the most stylish women and men in Houston

For the second year, the CultureMap Stylemaker Awards shines a spotlight on Houston's most fashionable women and men. Whether they march to the beat of their own fashion drum or are in vogue as innovators, stylish Houstonians are found in every corner of the city. They dress with flair and with head-to-toe chic. They reach across a broad spectrum — some are conservative while others are out there as style trailblazers.
Most importantly, they set the fashion pace for the city's diverse populace — and have a great time doing it.
Now it’s time to find the city’s Stylemakers for 2016. We want you to help us choose Houston's hottest fashion trendsetters — women and men — by nominating candidates for this year's Stylemaker Awards.
From now until August 26 at 11:59 pm, you can nominate your impossibly chic female or male friends (or even yourself) by completing this form. From those nominees a panel of fashion sophisticates will select the top candidates and you, CultureMappers, will determine the finalists via an online poll that will launch in early September.
OnSeptember 27,we will announce the finalists from round one, and they will move into the final round of online voting to determine the Readers’ Choice winner. All will be revealed in October when we announce the CultureMap Stylemaker winners, including the Editorial Choice winner (determined by our editorial staff and savvy fashion contributors) and the Readers' Choice winner (determined by you, our super-stylish audience).
So if you know some people who fit this fashionable bill (we bet you have a few in mind already), nominate them now. And then please ask them how they always know exactly what to wear, no matter the occasion.
Want a little inspiration? Get reacquainted with our 2015 winners here.