A Twilight Saga
Fangs for the Memories: Twihards mob The Galleria
Nov 11, 2009 | 3:53 pm
- Sixth grader Leslie Rosales, left, and Samantha Gonzalez
- "Twilight moms" Jinny Hernandez, left, and Yara Santos
- Stars Alex Meraz, left, and Kiowa Gordon
- Long line of fans for Hot Topic signing
- Mass of teen girl fans at Q & A
- Fans Detria Turner, left and Emily Cannella with signed posters
- From left: Cristal Castillo, Yajaira Gonzalez, Norma Cunningham and AbigailHernandez
Fans of theTwilight series jammed The Galleria Tuesday to catch a glimpse of Alex Meraz (Paul) and Kiowa Gordon (Embry), co-stars of the new movie,New Moon.
By fans, I, of course, mean screaming teenage girls.
But who could expect anything different? New Moon’s premiere is just a week away and two of the wolfpack’s finest heart throbs (excluding teen favorite Twilight star Taylor Lautner), were just feet away.
As I arrived for the first event, an exclusive VIP signing at Nordstrom at 4:30 p.m., I saw hundreds of girls in line for another event to follow at Hot Topic. I wondered how these girls got in line AND finished a whole day of school. Sure enough I discovered many had skipped classes, or a whole day of school to get there early. Two fans (who will remain nameless of course) confessed they were technically “on a tour of Rice” at the time of the signing.
While this event may have done nothing for their school attendance, educators can at least be grateful that the students are reading on their own. One of the girls commented that there is always a Twilight book beside her bed and many had read the New York times best-selling series multiple times.
Though teen girls dominated the event, some Twilight moms showed up, too. Jinny Hernandez and Yara Santos met on the site TwilightMOMS.com. The site connects adult women and moms who are fans of the teen series.
But who could expect anything different? New Moon’s premiere is just a week away and two of the wolfpack’s finest heart throbs (excluding teen favorite Twilight star Taylor Lautner), were just feet away.
As I arrived for the first event, an exclusive VIP signing at Nordstrom at 4:30 p.m., I saw hundreds of girls in line for another event to follow at Hot Topic. I wondered how these girls got in line AND finished a whole day of school. Sure enough I discovered many had skipped classes, or a whole day of school to get there early. Two fans (who will remain nameless of course) confessed they were technically “on a tour of Rice” at the time of the signing.
While this event may have done nothing for their school attendance, educators can at least be grateful that the students are reading on their own. One of the girls commented that there is always a Twilight book beside her bed and many had read the New York times best-selling series multiple times.
Though teen girls dominated the event, some Twilight moms showed up, too. Jinny Hernandez and Yara Santos met on the site TwilightMOMS.com. The site connects adult women and moms who are fans of the teen series.
Hernandez read the Twilight series with her daughter during Hurricane Ike hoping that a common interest would draw them together. They are now avid fans and closer because of it, she said.
The Q & A that followed was madness. Hundreds of girls converged around a stage. I honestly couldn’t hear much of over the screams — and I was about as close to the stage as you could get.
The Q & A that followed was madness. Hundreds of girls converged around a stage. I honestly couldn’t hear much of over the screams — and I was about as close to the stage as you could get.
Girls held up signs with their cell phone numbers, and shouted for the stars to take off their shirts. With all the interruptions Alex Meraz finally said, "I feel like a monkey up here. All I've been asked to do is dance and take my shirt off."
As a Twilight fan myself, I was a little disappointed nothing could be heard, but remembered very well what it was like to be a teen girl with a celebrity crush.
I also reminded myself that with excitement like this, I should probably buy my tickets to the Nov. 20 premiere now.