I don't even know what's real anymore
What Perez Hilton going nice and Insane Clown Posse pledging allegiance toChrist really means
- Insane Clown Posse now insist they are devout evangelical Christians.
- Perez Hilton vows to be nice.
It's been a big week for those concerned with celebrity gossip. Two marriages went caput, Insane Clown Posse's hidden evangelical Christianity just went mainstream in an amazing Guardian interview and now Perez Hilton vows to stop drawing dicks on celebrity's faces.
Hilton's announcement (via YouTube, in tandem with an Ellen Degeneres Show appearance and an Out magazine interview) comes on the heels of a string of bullying-related teen suicides and the massive response to Dan Savage's It Gets Better project. (If you're not already familiar, watch this video from Fort Worth, Texas, and keep the tissues handy.)
Hilton explained to Degeneres, "From now on I really want to be part of the solution and not part of the problem," and told video viewers "I’m not going to sanitize what I do. I still want to be me, and be me, and be sassy, without being vanilla — and also without being malicious and hurtful and nasty.”
To say such a move is completely out of character is a massive understatement. I was no less shocked to hear that Perez would stop insinuating Jennifer (M)Aniston was a man and leave Vane(XXX)a Hudgens alone than I was to hear that Insane Clown Posse — who encourage random violence and laugh at misogyny — had apparently been concealing a Christian message for two decades. I'm not sure that I buy either.
What do you think? Will Perez stick to his promise, or is this bandwagon reform?